As of February 2023, ALL our worklow tools and tables are available on CCH AnswerConnect Canada's new Tax Tools Page.


Section 85 Rollover interactive example embedded in the following topic page:
Section 85 Rollover—Disposition of Property to a Corporation

Decision Trees

TOSI Decision Tree embedded in the following topic page:
Tax on Split Income (TOSI)

RRSP Excess Contribution Decision Tree embedded in the following topic pages:
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)
Calculation and Deadline of RRSP Contributions
Carryforward of RRSP Contribution Limits
Overcontributions to RRSPs
RRSP Contribution Limit Statement and Telephone Inquiries

Principal Residence Decision Tree embedded in the following topic pages:
Principal Residence Exemption—Individuals
Principal Residence Exemption—Trusts
Conversion of Principal Residence to Income Use

ITA Interpreter

These are the sections of the Income Tax Act where you will find an ITA Interpreter.

To access the ITA Interpreter you need to run a citation search and select the ITA Interpreter tab (see below) that you'll see from the Income Tax Act 360 view.