Tax Tools

Customers now have access to our new Tax Tools page (directly from the CCH AnswerConnect Canada homepage). The Tax Tools page is organized in four tabs highlighting all the workflow practice tools available on the application: 

  • ITA Interpreters
    • Interactive tools, part of the ITA 360 view giving you guidance on various sections of the Canadian Income Tax Act.
  • CCH SmartCharts 
    •  Time-saving practice tools helping professionals research complex multijurisdictional topics; allowing access to federal and provincial tax insight in a single view. SmartCharts allow you to compare any combination of provinces, and provides analysis of specific tax issues in a single jurisdiction.
  • Tax Tables
    • A series of tables and charts providing key rates and guidance on federal income tax, provincial taxes and GST/HST. 
  • Other Tools
    • Tools include a series of dynamic Decisions Trees and Calculators.

This page will be updated regularly with new tools. 


Tax News Email Alerts

The News Email Alerts Settings now gives users the option to (1) narrow their selection using our new granular filters. This selection will be reflected in the daily news alerts users receive in their inbox.

Customers also have the possibility to (2) customize the heading of each alert section.

For information on how to set up your news email alerts, click here.

Note: current subscriptions to the news tracker are not automatically modified. Users will keep receiving the news alerts with all the documents they had selected prior to this improvement. To make changes they would need to go back to the settings in the application and update their choices.


Indirect Taxes: browsing related legislation

Users can now browse all the laws and regulations related to the Federal Excise Tax Act (EN & FR): Indirect Taxes (tab) > Browse Legislation (link).


Citation Search

Customers can now access sections of the following Acts by using citation acronyms.

  • Loi sur l’administration fiscale = LAF [section #]
  • Loi sur les cités et villes = LCV [section #]
  • Code municipal du Québec = CMQ  [section #]
  • Cities and Towns Act = CTA [section #]
  • Municipal Code of Quebec = MCQ [section #]

More information on citation searches here.


Indirect Taxes: new treatise

A new treatise (in French) Manuel d'application des taxes sur les produits et services (Goods and Services Tax Application Manual) has been added to our collection of GST/HST/TVQ content. 
This treatise is written by Henri Duquette, B.A.A. It is accessible from the homepage: Indirect Taxes (tab) > Taxes à la consommation (widget).